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Volunteers Urgently Needed for the Memorial Garden

Date posted: Saturday 6th July 2024

Volunteers Urgently Needed for the Memorial Garden

The Friends are responsible for maintaining the raised bed, hedges and general appearance of the garden, including clearing the leaves in the autumn. They have a maintenance session at 10 a.m. on the second Monday of each month.

Urgent support is needed because, unless they can get more volunteers, the Friends will not be able to continue after the end of this year and the garden will not be maintained for future use and enjoyment. The existing volunteers have reduced in numbers and are increasing in age and infirmity.

The Friends of the Memorial Garden are appealing for new volunteers, who are able to undertake these garden maintenance activities, to join them.

If you can help with gardening, please email Sarah Sanderson sandersongardens@hotmail.com, whether you can come on a Monday morning or not. We may need to change the day and time, depending on who is available when.

If you can’t help with gardening but would like to help and support the garden, please email all three Emsworth Councillors: cllr.grainne.rason@havant.gov.uk, cllr.reuben.mychaleckyj@havant.gov.uk, and cllr.charles.robert@havant.gov.uk with your thoughts and concerns.

To read more about the garden go to emsworthmemorialgarden
