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Seed Potatoes available at the Hut

Date posted: Tuesday 28th January 2025

Seed Potatoes available at the Hut

Potatoes are in and can be purchased at the Distribution Hut, still only 10p per tuber. Varieties available are:

  • Lady Christl, (first early)
  • Charlotte (second early)
  • Desiree (main)

*Please bring your own bags, or donate large paper bags, for seed potatoes

Go to the gardening advice page to read about growing seed potatoes in open ground

All three varieties are winners of the RHS Award of Garden Merit (AGM).

Lady Christl
These first early seed potatoes produce very early oval tubers, of a medium size with good size yields. Lady Christl tubers are yellow skinned with great tasting, creamy-to-waxy flesh. These seed potatoes show good all-round disease resistance, in particular to common scab and potato cyst nematode (PCN). Boil them, chip them or enjoy them in a salad.

First earlies are typically ready for harvesting around late June to July

Acclaimed as the UK’s favourite salad potato variety, these tubers stand out with their elongated shape, vibrant yellow skins, and firm, waxy yellow flesh. Ideal for boiling and adding to salads, their unique culinary qualities and robust flavour contribute to their popularity. Recognized for their superior resistance to both foliage and tuber blight, Charlotte seed potatoes are cherished for their excellent cooking characteristics and are consistently packed with taste, whether served hot or cold.

These second earlies and should be ready for harvesting in late June to July

This early maincrop potato has oval red-skinned tubers with pale yellow flesh that keeps a firm texture when cooked and store well once harvested. They are good all-rounders and are particularly good as a baking potato, making these firm favourites. They are heavy croppers that are very tolerant of drought, and show a good resistance to Potato blight and some resistance to Potato scab.

Maincrops should be ready for harvesting from August onwards.

All potato crops should be out of the ground by the end end of October and should be stored in paper bags in a dark cool frost-free place.
