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Day Trips

We have a very active trips group, co-ordinated by Angela Baldry. Trips are either coach or self drive depending on popularity and/or distance and vary in capacity and price. Click on the pictures or description below to find the full information about each trip.

To book a trip:

  1. Phone or email the individual trip organiser to check availability
  2. Make payment by BACS or cheque.
  3. BACS details:
    Account Name: Emsworth Horticultural Society
    Sort Code: 52-41-20
    Account No. 87039869
    Reference : Your Surname (& Trip name if space)
  4. By cheque payable to EHS, date your cheque as the date of trip.
  5. If not on email please provide a S.A.E. to receive ‘Trip Itinerary’
  6. The Itinerary for the Day will be sent out approx 2 weeks before the trip by email (or post see item 5 above)

Keep an eye out for the latest trips and contact the person specified against the individual trips within the trip details.

Terms & Conditions

  • Our insurance policy covers EHS members only. If you wish to bring friends they will need to become EHS members.
  • If you have to cancel a coach trip, we can only make a refund once the full costs of the trip have been covered. Additionally, any payments made by the EHS before the trip takes place, such as entry to gardens, cannot be refunded.
  • All coach trip tickets include a £1 tip for the coach driver.

For general enquiries contact Day Trip Co-ordinator: Angela Baldry 01243 372253 angel.b42@btinternet.com
