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Emsworth in Bloom Appeal

Date posted: Monday 1st April 2024

Emsworth in Bloom Appeal

Will you have any spare plants that could be donated to Emsworth in Bloom?

Message from Emsworth in Bloom

Please can we ask for your help?
We are a voluntary group of Emsworth residents, co-ordinated by Sheila Morris, that plant and water the beautiful flower displays and plant filled boats that you see around the Town.

We will need plenty of flowers for the Summer planting this year. Planting takes place at the end of May/beginning of June and we are hoping that you might have a few spare plants you could donate to this fabulous community initiative please?

Ideally the plants will tolerate dryer conditions, as keeping the planters watered is one of the most challenging tasks we face, plus avoiding any plants that you know might attract slugs please!!

Any plant donations could be left at the rear of my house in Bridgefoot Path or I will happily call and collect them from your address if that suits you better.

Thank you in advance for any help that you can offer and please continue to enjoy the flower displays.

Angela McMillan & Tizzie King, On behalf of Emsworth in Bloom
Contact: angiemcmillan17@icloud.com
