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EHS stall at Emsworth Eco Fair October 16th 2024

Date posted: Wednesday 15th January 2025

EHS stall at Emsworth Eco Fair October 16th 2024

For the first time the EHS had a stall a the Emsworth Eco Fair with the aim of promoting products we sell at the hut which are eco-friendly and sustainable.

Our focus was on using peat free compost (more accurately called growing media). Hut manager Richard Suter brought samples of the numerous brands of peat-free composts and soil improvers we now stock, as well as things you can add to multi-purpose composts to suit the plants you intend to grow. These comprised vermiculite, perlite, grit and sand. Lyn Davies had prepared an information sheet to explain how these can be used, which is now available on the EHS website and at the hut.

We had quite a bit of interest from both EHS members, some of whom had never been to the hut, and visitors. It was good to be able to chat to people about sowing and growing and overall we felt running the stall was worthwhile. Perhaps next year we could have a different focus, making your own compost or using organic fertilisers.

Lyn Davies (Hut Sub-committee chair)
